Full Cream Buffalo Milk – Burraduc Farm

Full Cream Buffalo Milk – Burraduc Farm


Burraduc Buffalo Farm - Fresh organic pasture raised full cream buffalo milk packaged in a 700ml reusable glass bottle.

Fresh buffalo milk from our own bred and raised 100% pasture based buffalo herd. Bottled on-site at the farm. Buffalo milk has a subtle flavour and is a little sweeter than cow’s milk, with a distinct pearl white colour.

Buffalo milk contains 43% less cholesterol, 62% more calcium, 40% more protein than cows’ milk. It also contains high levels of the natural antioxidant tocopherol, and a higher ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Buffalo milk can be suitable for people who have cow milk allergies.

Our milk is welfare friendly as calves are not weaned from their mothers but instead are allowed to graze freely with them on lush pasture during the daytime.

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